3. Install Pressure Test Gauge Manifold Tool -
ACL53-3 and check system pressures:
(a) With engine off and system at neutral
pressure (approximately 50 - 7 5 P.S.I. at
an air temperature of approximately 70
(b) With
running at 1500
R.P.M., check for correct high pressure
(approximately 90 - 120 P.S.I.) and
correct low pres-sure (approximately 15 -
25 P.S.I.). NOTE: These tempera-
tures may vary depending on the outside air
temperature. Higher temperatures give
higher readings, and lower temperatures
give lower readings.
4. With engine running check compressor for any
knocks or noisy operation.
5. Pump system down, and check oil level in
compressor. See "Checking Compressor
Crankcase Oil:'