Quick Links
1946 Chevrolet Another great one is here: '46 Chevrolet Brochure
1946 Buick here's Jeff George's really nice scan of the '46 Buick Brochure
1959 Mercury Another great brochure form Henk Smit is here.
Police Cars From Mark C. come some great scans of some very rare publications: '60 Chevy Police Cars and '72 Plymouth Police Cars.
1952-1954 and 1956 Hudson Henk Smit sends some fine brochures belonging to one of Rusty's favourite makes: '52 Hudson, '53 and '54 Hudson and '56 Hudson.
Early Chevrolet Maxbarn sends a fine colection of rare scans of early Chevies: 1916 Chevrolet, 1918 Chevrolet V8, 1921 Chevrolet and the 1922 Chevrolet.
New Old Stuff
"To survive, to be alive after an H-Bomb attack..."
From September, 1958:
Civil Defense Booklet
Movie of the Month The collection of old car movies donated by Henk Smit is now found on the archive.org site; our index of movies is here. [Oct. 19, 2003]
1964 Plymouth radio ad Hear our collection of old radio, including a great '64 Plymouth spot (courtesy of Randolph Radio) here.
Changes to Movie of the Month Our collection of movies is moving to archive.org in the next few days. Soon, all the movies will be accessible online at once! Stay tuned. [Oct. 17, 2003]
1948 Plymouth Charles Hurst has a great collection of original literature that he's sending us - here's a starter: 1948 Plymouth brochure, warranty and radio diagrams. Also, check out What's New Since '42. [Oct. 9, 2003]
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Graham-Paige in Alaska This is the story of the epic trip across the Americas.
Movie of the Month: The
Corvair In Action
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New Brochures
Catching up with Maxbarn
Here are brochures for the 1946
Chrysler Town and Country,
1957 Eldorado Brougham ,
1972 Cadillac ,
1974 Corvette,
1975 Cadillac,
1989 Buick, and 1982
1949 Lincoln Jeff George has saved these since they were new, and now they're here for the world to see: 1949 Lincoln brochure
New Manuals
1957 Chevy Owner's Manual and Accessories booklet: Thanks to Ken Deatrick, Jr. we've got them here.
1960 Ford Owner's Manual Bill Schmickle sends this fine scan of the full-size Ford owner's manual. Click here.
1920-24 Buick and Apperson wiring diagrams From a 1925 collection, John Inge sends us these rare diagrams: click here
1968 Buick The owner's manual for the full-size '68 Buicks (Buick Electra 225, Wildcat, & LeSabre) is here, thanks to ThomasS: '68 Buick Owner's Manual
1950 Mercury Robert Lucas of oldhiways.com has donated this great scan of the 50 Mercury Owner's Manual. Click here.
Wiring Diagrams ZenX sends us diagrams for 1964 Ford Trucks from F100 to F750 here.
1954 Chevrolet Owner's Manual From Packard53, we've got a fine scan of the 1954 Chevrolet Car Owner's Manual.
Ford 6 cyl 1 bbl carb The Ford Model 1100 carburetor was used on Ford trucks from 1961 to 1967. ZenX has kindly provided an exhaustive guide to F1 service here.
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