governor housing and tighten the
three diaphragm
cover screws drilled for safety wire
before re
leasing the rod. Then tighten the
remaining screws.
This procedure will stretch the diaphragm
ficiently to insure full travel of
the diaphragm and
proper governor operation.
4. With Snap-On Tool No. TMC-38,
the fuel inlet plug, using a new
5. Place the new fuel inlet needle,
with clip
attached, in fuel inlet needle seat.
14. Install a new safety wire and
lead seal
to the three diaphragm cover screws
drilled for
lock wiring.
15. Place the seal retainer spring
and the
seal retainer over the throttle
shaft in the throttle
body. Set the new governor housing
gasket in place
on the throttle body, aligning the
holes in the gasket
and the throttle body. Install the
leather seal in the
governor housing and place the governor
in position. Check the holes in
the governor hous
ing, the governor housing gasket,
and the throttle
body for alignment and install the
three governor
to throttle body screws and lockwashers.
16. Slip the governor lever over
the throttle
shaft and bring the diaphragm rod
through the
governor lever. Install a new cotter
pin in the
diaphragm rod, bending both ends
of the cotter
back toward the head. Install the
governor lever
nut and lockwasher. Install the
governor line
17. Place the loop on one end of
the governor
spring in the groove in the governor
lever spring
pin and snap the loop at the other
end of the spring
into the groove in the stationary
spring pin in the
governor housing. Do not stretch
the spring more
than is necessary.
18. Install the governor cover with
a new
gasket. After installing the four
governor cover
screws and lockwashers, install
a lock wire and
lead seal to the four screws.
D. Reassembly - Main Body -All Carburetors.
1. Install the new accelerating
pump ball check
valve and check valve retainer in
the accelerating
pump well of the main body. Make
sure the bent-in
portion of retainer holds the check
ball in place.
2. Install the two new main jets,
new power
valve and new power valve gasket.
Turn these
parts down tightly to prevent any
fuel leak past
them. Use Snap-On Tool No. TMC-36
for the main
jets and Snap-On Tool No. MC-127
for the power
3. Install the new fuel inlet valve
seat and new
inlet valve seat gasket, using
Snap-On Tool No.
Fuel inlet needles and seats are
assemblies, factory tested to insure
per operation, and their component
are not interchangeable.
6. Holding the main body in a position
keep the fuel inlet needle from
falling out of its
seat, place the float assembly
and float spring in
the fuel bowl. To install the float
and float spring
in the main body, insert the long
end of the float
spring into the small hole in the
float lever. Hold
ing the spring with the index finger,
ease the float
into the fuel bowl and slip the
spring over the boss
at the bottom of the fuel bowl.
Install the float
shaft and fit the fuel inlet needle
clip over the
float tab.